Saturday Serenity


It’s Saturday afternoon here in Chicagoland.  Between Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and the upcoming Cyber Monday, I think it is rather fitting to have a, “Saturday Serenity” day, don’t you think?

I took the above photo in February, 2014.  I really like the soft glow and calmness of the sunrise.  We know that weather can sometimes represent our moods, so that’s why I chose this photo to accompany the ‘theme’ of the day:  serenity.

Black Friday has become quite the event here in the United States.  I have also heard that other countries (such as Canada) have adopted this advertising venture.  I must say I find it rather overwhelming if I am being honest.  I don’t go out into the crowds because I see it tends to bring out some of the worst traits in our fellow human beings.  Be that as it may, I do applaud companies who don’t start Black Friday on Thursday evening (Thanksgiving).  When on earth did that start?

I thought I would check online yesterday (the ‘official’ Black Friday and not Thursday evening!) to purchase something that was advertised for at least two weeks prior as an outstanding deal.  At 11:00 a.m. I went to the website, placed a few of these items in my virtual ‘cart’, and headed for the cyber checkout.

“We’re sorry, the items in your cart are no longer available”, ‘greeted’ me when I arrived at the world-wide web customer service counter.  A sale that was supposed to take place all Black FriDAY was over for me in one swoop.

I noted earlier that I was very pleased with those companies who chose to stay closed on Thanksgiving (Thursday) evening, and not succumb to corporate pressure by flailing the doors wide open only minutes after the turkey had barely settled, and the pumpkin pie but a fleeting memory for Thanksgiving shoppers.  The workers need time with their families too, and by goodness so do those early bird shoppers!  With my frustration showing its ugly head at 11:00 a.m. on Black Friday, I do not even want to imagine what the people in stores were feeling (I am referring to those who weren’t exhibiting the qualities that belong in a boxing ring and clearly not in line at a department store).

Which brings me back to the picture of the day.  I’m sending this out to everyone who needs a nudge as a reminder to take a deep breath, calm the senses, and envelop the serenity and stillness of a Lake Michigan sunrise.  Ah, yes, that’s better……………

Wait? What? Is that the Cyber Monday flyer for Macy’s?

  18 comments for “Saturday Serenity

  1. November 28, 2015 at 2:04 pm

    Sit-breathe in, breathe out. Look at Cher’s photo. Breathe in, breathe out Look at Cher’s photo. Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat step one over and over again until your relax. In my case death!!! Ah!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. November 28, 2015 at 2:12 pm

    Beautiful photo, nice and sharp. The whole Black Friday thing is a farce, it’s a giant promotion for the retailers who’s sales have slacked off. Several years ago my wife and I started giving gift cards instead of actual items. This allows the receiver to get what they want at either any location, or a store that we know they will like to visit. Call this impersonal but it is simpler for the giver, and allows the receiver to get what THEY really want versus a best guess by the giver. Have a fine Saturday!

    Liked by 1 person

    • November 28, 2015 at 2:27 pm

      Thank you for the compliment on the photo, John! I agree and believe me, I think the gift card idea is great!! I’m rather partial to Macy’s gift cards (what a total shock, huh?) *biggest grin* And to you as well; thanks, John! Cher xo


    • November 28, 2015 at 4:05 pm

      Oh, but I like guessing what someone will like. (The existence of wish lists on Amazon and such makes it easier, admittedly.) But the best gift-giving moment of all is when you can find something the person didn’t realize she might like, and turns out to love it. I’ve only managed that supreme moment a couple times, but that is so worth it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • November 28, 2015 at 4:10 pm

        Awh, you are so right, Joseph! It is a heart-felt moment when that happens, isn’t it? Well done for treading past the ‘assured gifts’ and providing some lovely surprises for the recipients! I love hearing this! Thank you! Cher xo


  3. November 28, 2015 at 3:45 pm

    Thanks for the soothing photo. We had our first Black Friday last year in the UK. It was pandemonium and no one enjoyed it very much. This year, we had another one and nothing much happened, no queues outside shops and many retailers did not take part, though I gather a lot of online shopping went on.

    Liked by 1 person

    • November 28, 2015 at 4:08 pm

      My pleasure, Hilary! Oh I was afraid of that. Although Black Friday has made it to Canada, I think things are quite a bit more orderly in terms of queuing up. However, I would be interested if any Canadians would like to comment about this. Black Friday used to be strictly an American thing; truly I hadn’t a clue it would become popular in Canada, let alone make it to the UK! Cher xo


  4. November 29, 2015 at 9:17 am

    That is very frustrating, Cher. Who ever heard of putting an item in your online shopping cart and then being told it’s not available?. If it’s not available, then why is it that we can still put it in out shopping carts?

    We do have Black Friday here in the UK, but after the horrible scenes of last year of people actually trampling over people to get to the bargains, a lot of stores decided not to participate anymore. Still, we now get the Boxing Day sales in the UK. ‘Boxing’ is the word, as some do think they are in a boxing ring when the shop doors open. Far better to sit at the computer, sipping warm tea in a cosy house (as far as I’m concerned). 🎅


    • November 29, 2015 at 12:26 pm

      Hi Hugh! It’s so lovely to see you, my dear! Yes, it was extremely frustrating! I had three of this particular item in my cart and therefore I was ‘in line’ to purchase them. It was almost as if I was in line at a store, I had the items in my cart, and the cashier snatched them and said, “I’m sorry, these are no longer available!” *grin* Oh, Hugh, I am very pleased to hear that some stores in the UK decided not to participate anymore. Growing up in Canada we too have Boxing Day. They don’t have it here, although somehow I’m pleased about that, as Black Friday frenzy is quite enough! *LOL* Agreed, Hugh! Tea, computer, cozy slippers (ah, yes, that resembles yours truly at the moment)!!! Thank you for you comments, dearie! Cher xo

      Liked by 1 person

      • November 30, 2015 at 6:39 am

        We’ve had a very cold, wet and windy start to the week, Cher. Can you guess what how I spent Cyber Monday morning? 🙂 Yes, I’ve been sat doing all my Christmas shopping from the comfort of my home, whilst outside I can see people struggling with large shopping bags and getting very cold and wet.

        Have a great week.

        Liked by 1 person

      • November 30, 2015 at 7:16 am

        It’s the same over here, Hugh! Cold, wet, and windy. Why Hugh! Brilliant!! *LOL* Don’t you just love it? We are the cozy shoppers, Hugh!! 😉 Cher xo

        Liked by 1 person

  5. November 29, 2015 at 2:39 pm

    Aahhhh, yes Tis the “SILLY- Season” us retailers call it!! I think that is really the hardest time for the people on the other side of the cash register trying to “grin & bear it”! I just came from Walmart at 11:30 and the parking lot is full! Merry Christmas (or bahh-humbug); its all a state of mind!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • November 29, 2015 at 6:55 pm

      I agree with you completely, dearie! I do feel sorry for the people behind the cash register! Oh, that must have been a zoo at Walmart! Yikes! Yes, it is all a state of mind indeed! *LOL* Cher xo


  6. November 30, 2015 at 7:08 am

    lol. I started to put a cart together on Friday but noticed every item in the cart had recently gone up in price during the “sale.” 😳😱😂😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • November 30, 2015 at 7:15 am

      Hi Shawna! Well you certainly know exactly what I mean!! I daresay that is probably happening a lot!! I just checked the store where I had ‘attempted’ to purchase my ‘missing’ items; they aren’t back in stock yet. 😦 *LOL* Oh yes, the “sale”! hehehehe Cher xo

      Liked by 1 person

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